Monday, October 8, 2007

Four Appointments in One Day

Appointment Creep

We had a serious problem of "appointment creep" today.

First we had two appointments. One was with the surgeon who will do the splenectomy. He added an appointment to get Trudie's immunizations updated.

Then the second original appointment was with the neurologist. He added an appointment with an X-Ray lab to get some pictures of his handiwork.

So two appointments became four appointments in three buildings. We are both very tired tonight.


The surgeon will remove Trudie's spleen on Wednesday, October 17th. They will probably keep her overnight. We don't think this surgery will be as intensive as the last. In fact, he may be able to accomplish it with a laparoscope.

1 comment:

AuntMillie said...

I am Patrick's sister Millie.I have recently visited Patrick and Trudie. Trudie is not doing well.She is in much pain and the pain meds make her sleep. She has gone from being able to ambulate with a walker to barely able to stand because of the pain. Patrick is taking excellent care of Trudie. Patrick has been in contact with her doctors and they are aware of her condition. I am truely gratefull for all of the help Patrick and Trudie's friends and church has given them. Patrick is working hard at maintaining his sanity, taking care of Trudie and fulfilling his job obligations. He cannot do this without help. Please continue to offer both of them you prayers and anything you can do for them. The gifts of food has been awesome and the friends who have helped with household chores have been a tremendous help. I cannot express the gratitude I have for Patrick's "small group" who have coordinated the food donations and the "myrtles" who have visited frequently. Please know that my thoughts are always with P&T and with the people who are helping them.